I created an add in on Revit using a form. When i start the add in for the first time (add-in tab in revit and external tool and "my program"), it correctly execute the Initialization of the form but, when i close it and re-open it (always add-in tab and external tool and "my program") it doesn't execute the program i put behind IniatilizeComponent().
namespace Import_Selected_DET
public partial class Interface_LIB : Form
#region Variables
public static string chemFAB = "";
static string chemGAM = "";
static string chemREP = "";//Correspond au chemin de fichier le plus avancé
static string thisOne = "";//Repertoire dans lequel se trouve le fichier a prendre
static string chemLIB = @"C:\ProgramData\Letitbim";
static string chemProg = chemLIB + @"\Import_Selected_DET";
static string chemRes = chemProg + @"\Ressources.txt";
static int compteErreur = 0;
static string utilisateur = Environment.UserName;
public Interface_LIB()
//This part doesn't execute the second time... Why ?
The solution was find on Autodesk Forum. There is a link :
Thank you Adrian Efford and Jeremy Tammik for your comment and Answer.