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How to find out what tries to load library

I am using clang-9 with mysql-connector-c++8.

After mysql-connector-c++ upgrade from 1.1.12 to 8.x and running function in my app: get_driver_instance() an exception is being thrown:

"Couldn't load library cannot open shared object file"

What I've tried so far:

  • ldd on my newly compiled binary, but my newly compiled binary does not link against
  • strace -f my binary, but no info about loading this library
  • removed /etc/ and rebuilt it with ldconfig, than recompiled my software
  • updatedb && locate \*\.so | xargs ldd and the same for \*\.so\.\*, but no file is showing it is linked with

There are no errors during compilation. I've got out of ideas what might be wrong. What might I do to diagnose it further?


  • Runtime dlopen calls will not produce any output in ldd, but you can convince to print when a library is loaded by whom by setting the environment variable LD_DEBUG=files.