I'm having some trouble to predict confidence intervals ros an nls in r.
pl <- ggplot(data) + geom_point(aes(x=date, y=cases),size=2, colour="black") + xlab("Date") + ylab("Cases")
model = nls(cases ~ SSlogis(log(date), Asym, xmid, scal), data= data )
new.data = data.frame(date=c(1:100))
interval <- predict(model, newdata = new.data, se.fit = TRUE, interval = "confidence", level= 0.9)
new.data[c("fit","lwr.conf", "upr.conf")] <- interval
pl +
geom_ribbon(data=new.data, aes(x=date, ymin=lwr.pred, ymax=upr.pred), alpha=0.05, inherit.aes=F, fill="blue")
When I run it, it shows no error, but the interval I get is just a vector whith the fit, no the upper and lower confidence intervals.
There are 3 ways I know how to do this one of them described in the other answer. Here are some other options. This first one uses nls() to fit the model and investr::predFit to make the predictions and CI:
data <- tibble(date = 1:7,
cases = c(0, 0, 1, 4, 7, 8.5, 8.5))
model <- nls(cases ~ SSlogis(log(date), Asym, xmid, scal), data= data )
new.data <- data.frame(date=seq(1, 10, by = 0.1))
interval <- as_tibble(predFit(model, newdata = new.data, interval = "confidence", level= 0.9)) %>%
mutate(date = new.data$date)
p1 <- ggplot(data) + geom_point(aes(x=date, y=cases),size=2, colour="black") + xlab("Date") + ylab("Cases")
geom_line(data=interval, aes(x = date, y = fit ))+
geom_ribbon(data=interval, aes(x=date, ymin=lwr, ymax=upr), alpha=0.5, inherit.aes=F, fill="blue")+
Another option is to do both the model fitting and predicting with the 'drc' pacakge (aka dose-response curves). This package uses built in starter functions that need to be used (or created), but an object of class 'drc' has many helpful methods that can utilized - one of them being predict.drc which supports confidence intervals (albeit for only some of built-in self-starters). Example with package 'drc':
model_drc <- drm(cases~date, data = data, fct=LL.4())
predict_drc <- as_tibble(predict(model_drc, newdata = new.data, interval = "confidence", level = 0.9)) %>%
mutate(date = new.data$date)
geom_line(data=predict_drc, aes(x = date, y = Prediction ))+
geom_ribbon(data=predict_drc, aes(x=date, ymin=Lower, ymax=Upper), alpha=0.5, inherit.aes=F, fill="red")+
ggtitle("with package 'drc'")+
More info on the 'drc' package: journal paper, blog article describing custom self-starts for drc, and the package docs