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Set annotation X1 and X2 on BoxAnnotationViewModel to be between major grid units on CategoryDateTimeAxis

I am using scicharts BoxAnnotationViewModel to highlight a particular selection of price data from a FastCandleStickRenderableSeries. Currently setting the BoxAnnotaions X1/X2 has undesirable results as it will place this in the middle of the desired candle as the X1/X2 input only accepts an integer index for a CategoryDateTimeAxis. I would like to be able to offset this X1/X2 input by 0.5 units to encompass the entire candle/candle range desired.

Is this a possibility that I have missed in the SciChart docs using the default built in BoxAnnotationViewModel on a CategoryDateTimeAxis for financial data?

Thank you,

Using SciChart Version: WPF


  • Unfortunately there's new way to specify a half data-point for BoxAnnotation on CategoryDateTimeAxis in SciChart WPF Charts. The axis type expects integer data-points.

    For SciChart iOS, Android this limitation has been overcome and CategoryDateTimeAxis accepts floating-point indices for smoother scrolling.

    You can if you want, request a feature for 'Floating point indexes on CategoryDateTimeAxis' over at the scichart feedback portal.