I have studied the code as follow in Cherrypy web development,
if returnpage != '':
raise cherrypy.InternalRedirect(returnpage)
raise cherrypy.HTTPRedirect("/hqc")
Google doesn't help much in this case after I did some research.
I've checked from cherrypy's __doc__
, but the documentation there is very terse.
Exception raised to switch to the handler for a different URL.
This exception will redirect processing to another path within the site
(without informing the client). Provide the new path as an argument when
raising the exception. Provide any params in the querystring for the new URL.
>>> print(cherrypy.HTTPRedirect.__doc__)
Exception raised when the request should be redirected.
This exception will force a HTTP redirect to the URL or URL's you give it.
The new URL must be passed as the first argument to the Exception,
e.g., HTTPRedirect(newUrl). Multiple URLs are allowed in a list.
If a URL is absolute, it will be used as-is. If it is relative, it is
assumed to be relative to the current cherrypy.request.path_info.
If one of the provided URL is a unicode object, it will be encoded
using the default encoding or the one passed in parameter.
There are multiple types of redirect, from which you can select via the
``status`` argument. If you do not provide a ``status`` arg, it defaults to
303 (or 302 if responding with HTTP/1.0).
raise cherrypy.HTTPRedirect("")
raise cherrypy.HTTPRedirect("/abs/path", 307)
raise cherrypy.HTTPRedirect(["path1", "path2?a=1&b=2"], 301)
See :ref:`redirectingpost` for additional caveats.
My questions are: - Why bother with redirect when you can simply invoke another handler? - What are some practical senarios for the two redirect exception respectively?
is only handled in the server side, this means that the client would not be aware of that redirection, because in terms of the HTTP protocol that is mediating the session between the client and the server, nothing changed. By server side I mean ONLY CherryPy will be aware of the rediction, if you have some intermediate server (like an nginx reverse proxy) it would not see anything different.
For example if the client visited a url /page_one
and then you used raise InternalRedirect('/page_two')
, the client (browser) will receive the content from the /page_two
handler in the /page_one
url. If you raised a regular HTTPRedirect
the server would end the first request with an HTTP status code of 303
(or any other status that you passed to the exception) and a Location
header to /page_two
. Then is the client who will initiate another request to /page_two
, basically everybody will be aware of the redirection (more info about HTTP redirection). Most of the time this is the better alternative.
Additionally you could detect if the request came from a previous InternalRedirect
by verifying the cherrypy.request.prev
property. It will have the previous cherrypy.request
object as its value or None
For the sake of a possible (maybe not the best example) use of an InternalRedirect
, checkout this production/beta example page, in addition I added a tool to prohibit the client to reach to handlers directly.
The client will see a different content in the same page /
. Note that the access log that CherryPy generates will log the url of the handler that end up handling the request, in this case you will see /_beta
or /_production
import random
import cherrypy
def private_handler():
"""End the request with HTTP 404 not found if the client
tries to reach the handler directly instead of being
internally redirected from other handler.
if cherrypy.request.prev is None:
raise cherrypy.NotFound()
class MainApp:
def index(self):
# 50/50 change of receiving production or the new SHINY beta page
use_beta = random.randint(0, 1)
if use_beta:
raise cherrypy.InternalRedirect('/_beta')
raise cherrypy.InternalRedirect('/_production')
def _production(self):
return (
"Welcome to our awesome site!"
def _beta(self):
return (
'<h1 style="color: blue">{}</h1>'
"Welcome to our awesome site!",
"Here is our new beta content..."