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How to wait for two blocks of code to run in R Shiny

Suppose I have the following blocks of codes in Shiny:


rv <- reactiveValues()

  # Event A
  # Code Block A
  # The code below signals the end of Code Block A
  rv$event_a <- F
  rv$event_a <- T

  # Event B
  # Code Block B
  # The code below signals the end of Code Block B
  rv$event_b <- F
  rv$event_b <- T

  if(rv$event_a & rv$event_b) {
    # Do something only after both Code Blocks A and B finish running.
    # Code Block C

As you can see, I'm toggling the reactive values in Blocks A and B from FALSE to TRUE to trigger Block C to run.

I want to write the code so that the cycle can repeat itself:

Some trigger -> Block A & B -> C ->

Some trigger -> Block A & B -> C ...

My questions are the following:

  1. How can I make Code Block C run only once, when both Code Block A and B finished running?
  2. How else can I achieve triggering Code Block C without the weird toggling of reactive values (between FALSE and TRUE) that I am currently relying on?


  • I have accomplished this before by eventObserving or eventReacting to the reactive objects or reactiveValues generated by 'code-block-a' or 'code-block-b'. I have attached 3 small shiny app examples to give insight into this approach using different methods (hopefully these will help answer the original question - or at least give some ideas).

    This app will create a table in 'code-block-a' with as many rows as the sliderInput has selected. Once this 'event_a()' reactive is updated 'code-block-b' subsets one row. Once 'code-block-b' updates its object 'event_b()' a modal is displayed showing the selected row in a table.

    ui <- fluidPage(
      sliderInput("slide", "slide", value = 5, min = 1, max = 10),
      actionButton("go", "go"),
    server <- function(input, output, session) {
      rv <- reactiveValues(tr1 = 0, el = 0)
      final <- reactiveValues()
      #CODE BLOCK A#
      #takes slider input and makes a table with that many rows
      event_a <- eventReactive(input$go,{
        nums <- seq(1, input$slide, by = 1)
        l <- 1:length(nums)
              tibble(Letter = letters[l],
                            Value = nums)
      #trigger next series of events in response to event_a()
      #  rv$el <- rv$el + 1
     # })
      ##CODE BLOCK B##
      # this will subset a row of data based on the value of the reactive
      event_b <- eventReactive(event_a(), {
        row <- sample(1:nrow(event_a()), 1)
      #look for changes in event_b() to trigger event C
      #the loading of event_b will trigger the modal via rv$tr1
     # observeEvent(event_b(), {
     #   rv$tr1 <-  rv$tr1 + 1
     # })
      #side effect make a table from event_b() to be shown in modal
      output$modal_plot <- renderTable({
      ##CODE BLOCK C##
      #launch modal showing table
      observeEvent(event_b(), {
        showModal(modalDialog(title = "Table",
                              "This is a table",
                                                 inline = T))
    shinyApp(ui, server)

    Or if all your 'code-block' are observers you can use reactive values that are updated inside of an observer. I have found this flexible if multiple things need to happen to trigger something downstream:

    ui <- fluidPage(
      sliderInput("slide", "slide", value = 5, min = 1, max = 10),
      actionButton("go", "go"),
    server <- function(input, output, session) {
      rv <- reactiveValues(tr1 = 0, el = 0)
      final <- reactiveValues()
      #CODE BLOCK A#
      #takes slider input and makes a table with that many rows
      event_a <- eventReactive(input$go,{
        nums <- seq(1, input$slide, by = 1)
        l <- 1:length(nums)
              tibble(Letter = letters[l],
                            Value = nums)
      #trigger next series of events in response to event_a()
        rv$el <- rv$el + 1
      ##CODE BLOCK B##
      # this will subset a row of data based on the value of the reactive
      event_b <- eventReactive(rv$el, ignoreInit = T, {
        row <- sample(1:nrow(event_a()), 1)
      #look for changes in event_b() to trigger event C
      #the loading of event_b will trigger the modal via rv$tr1
      observeEvent(event_b(), {
         rv$tr1 <-  rv$tr1 + 1
      #side effect make a table from event_b() to be shown in modal
      output$modal_plot <- renderTable({
      ##CODE BLOCK C##
      #launch modal showing table
      observeEvent(rv$tr1, ignoreInit = T, {
        showModal(modalDialog(title = "Table",
                              "This is a table",
                                                 inline = T))
    shinyApp(ui, server)

    Furthermore, if you are wanting something that iterates like a loop here is an example that describes the above process, but plots each row of data in a modal one row at a time and asking for user input each time:

    ui <- fluidPage(
      sliderInput("slide", "slide", value = 5, min = 1, max = 10),
      actionButton("go", "go"),
    server <- function(input, output, session) {
      rv <- reactiveValues(tr1 = 0, el = 0)
      final <- reactiveValues()
      #STEP 1
      #some function/series of events that gives us a some data
      data1 <- eventReactive(input$go,{
        c <- seq(1, input$slide, by = 1)
        l <- 1:length(c)
        out_table <- tibble(Letter = letters[l],
                            Value = c)
      #side effect - return data1 to UI
      output$df <- renderTable({
      #number of max iterations we will go though (dependent number of rows in data1)
      num_iterations <- reactive({
      #trigger next series of events in response to data1()
      #this will get us from 0 to 1 and another observer will be used to add
      #all the way up to the max_iterations
        rv$el <- rv$el + 1
      #this ^ observer is like entering the loop on the first iteration
      ##STEP 2##
      ##start/continue the "disjointed-loop".
      #Subset data1 into smaller piece we want based on rv$el
      #this will be our 'i' equivalent in for(i in ...)
      #data subset
      data2 <- eventReactive(rv$el, ignoreInit = TRUE, {
        data2 <- data1()[rv$el,]
      #side effect make a plot based on data2 to be shown in modal
      output$modal_plot <- renderPlot({
        d <- data2()
          geom_col(data = d, aes(x = Letter, y = Value,  fill = Letter))+
      #once we get our data2 subset ask the user via modal if this is what they want
      #the loading of data2 will trigger the modal via rv$tr1
      observeEvent(data2(), {
        rv$tr1 <-  rv$tr1 + 1
    ##STEP 3##
      #launch modal showing plot and ask for user input
      observeEvent(rv$tr1, ignoreInit = TRUE, {
        showModal(modalDialog(title = "Make a Choice!",
                              "Is this a good selection?",
                              checkboxGroupInput("check", "Choose:",
                                                choices = c("Yes" = "yes",
                                                            "No" = "no"),
                                                inline = T),
                              footer = actionButton("modal_submit", "Submit")))
      #when user closes modal the response is saveed to final[[character representing number of iteration]]
      observeEvent(input$modal_submit, {
        final[[as.character(rv$el)]] <- input$check
        if(rv$el < num_iterations()){
        rv$el <- rv$el + 1 #this retriggers step2 to go again
        } else {
          rv$done <- rv$done + 1
        } #breaks the disjointed loop and trigger start of next reactions
      #and the modal is closed
      observeEvent(input$modal_submit, {
      final_choice <- eventReactive(rv$done, ignoreInit = TRUE,{
        enframe(isolate(reactiveValuesToList(final))) %>%
          mutate(name = as.numeric(name),
                 value = unlist(value)) %>%
      output$user_choices_table <- renderTable({
    shinyApp(ui, server)