I have the following cmd that fetches all .pdf files with an STP pattern in the filename and places them into a folder:
find /home/OurFiles/Images/ -name '*.pdf' |grep "STP*" | xargs cp -t /home/OurFiles/ImageConvert/STP/
I have another cmd that converts pdf to jpg.
find /home/OurFiles/ImageConvert/STP/ -type f -name '*.pdf' -print0 |
while IFS= read -r -d '' file
do convert -verbose -density 500 -resize 800 "${file}" "${file%.*}.jpg"
Is it possible to combine these commands into one? Also, I would like pre-pend a prefix onto the converted image file name in the single command, if possible. Example: STP_OCTOBER.jpg to MSP-STP_OCTOBER.jpg. Any feedback is much appreciated.
find /home/OurFiles/Images/ -type f -name '*STP*.pdf' -exec sh -c '
destination=$1; shift # get the first argument
for file do # loop over the remaining arguments
fname=${file##*/} # get the filename part
cp "$file" "$destination" &&
convert -verbose -density 500 -resize 800 "$destination/$fname" "$destination/MSP-${fname%pdf}jpg"
' sh /home/OurFiles/ImageConvert/STP {} +
You could pass the destination directory and all PDFs found to find
's -exec
option to execute a small script.
The script removes the first argument and saves it to variable destination
and then loops over the given PDF paths. For each filepath, extract the filename, copy the file to the destination directory and run the convert
command if the copy operation was successful.