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Scala Functional tests: How to do negative assertion?

I have some restful services using Scala and play framework (2.4.*) and I am trying to write some functional tests for those services and getting hard time on negative assertions. For example :

If I receive a response ( in Json) from my service like :

{ "id":71324, "name":"Matt", "address":"24 Main st" }

I am trying to check that :

  • "address" field exists and is non empty
  • There does not exist any key named as "phone"

Finding hard time to find an example on how to do the above to assertion.

For other assertions, I did it this way:

class IntegrationTest extends PlaySpec with OneServerPerSuite with MockitoSugar { // need with mockito*?

  override lazy val app = new GuiceApplicationBuilder()
    .configure(Configuration.apply(ConfigFactory.parseFile(new File("test/resources/testApplication.conf")).resolve()))
  implicit lazy val log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(getClass)

  val wsClient = app.injector.instanceOf[WSClient]
  val myPublicAddress =  s"localhost:$port"

  "test1" must {
    "get employee record" in {
      val route = s"http://$myPublicAddress/INTERNAL/employee/7"
      val response = await(wsClient.url(route).get())
      log.debug(response.header("Content-Type") + " -> " + response.body)
      val jsonResponse = Json.parse(response.body)

      response.status mustBe OK

      (jsonResponse \ "id").get mustBe JsNumber(71324)
      (jsonResponse \ "name").get mustBe JsString("Matt")

      //trying to check that there is no phone

      //trying to check address fiels exists and is non-empty
      //(jsonResponse \ "address").get mustNot empty -- got systax error



May I get help here?


  • There are few problems with

    (jsonResponse \ "address").get mustNot empty

    The type of (jsonResponse \ "address") is JsLookupResult which has isEmpty() method, hence by checking for emptiness it seems reasonable to try

    (jsonResponse \ "address") mustNot be (empty)

    However this does not work because empty keyword DSL works on following types

    • scala.collection.GenTraversable
    • String
    • Array
    • scala.Option
    • java.util.Collection
    • java.util.Map
    • arbitary object with a isEmpty() method that returns Boolean
    • arbitary object with a parameterless isEmpty method that returns Boolean

    where by "arbitary object" they really mean arbitrary reference object AnyRef

    implicit def emptinessOfAnyRefWithIsEmptyMethod[T <: AnyRef { def isEmpty(): Boolean}]: Emptiness[T]

    and JsLookupResult is not a subtype of AnyRef

    sealed trait JsLookupResult extends Any with JsReadable

    Therefore, because constraint T <: AnyRef { def isEmpty(): Boolean} is not satisfied, we cannot use the nice emptiness DSL.

    Alternatively the following should work

    (jsonResponse \ "address").isEmpty mustBe false
    (jsonResponse \ "address").isDefined mustBe true