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Tornado ioloop instance seems to be shared across processes

In a multiprocessing application, a main process spawns multiple sub processes. Each process is meant to run its own Tornado ioloop. However, I noticed that when the process is started, all the instances of IOLoop.current() (in main and all the sub processes) are the same. Wouldn't that mean that ioloop.spawn_callback(my_func) runs all in one ioloop context (in the main process)?

Here's a minimal example that I could extract:

from tornado.ioloop import IOLoop
import time
from multiprocessing import Process

def sub(i):
  print('sub %d: %s' % (i, hex(id(IOLoop.current(True)))))
  for i in range(10):

def main():
  print('main  ', hex(id(IOLoop.current(True))))

  for i in range(2):
    sub_process = Process(target=sub, args=(i, ))
    sub_process.daemon = True




main   0x7f14a09cf750
sub 0: 0x7f14a09cf750
sub 1: 0x7f14a09cf750

Are the processes created correctly and isn't the expected behaviour that there would be multiple ioloop instances?


  • This is mentioned in Tornado's docs

    it is important that nothing touches the global IOLoop instance (even indirectly) before the fork

    You can get the behavior you want using a slightly modified main function:

    def main():
        processes = []
        for i in range(2):
            process = Process(target=sub, args=(i,))
            process.daemon = True
        print('main  ', hex(id(IOLoop.current(True))))


    main   0x7fbd4ca0da30
    sub 0: 0x7fbd4ca0db50
    sub 1: 0x7fbd4ca0dc40


    As for the explanation: the sharing is due to due to how fork is implemented in Linux: using COW (copy-on-write); this means that unless you write to the shared object in the child process, both parent and child will share the same object. As soon as the child modifies the shared object it will be copied and changed (these changes won't be visible in the parent).