I have two Guards
Also i have created controllers where user can manage his own data and admin can also manage user data. So i created two Controllers
In User/EducationBackgroundController i have this function which fetch education background of a current logged user and display on the user view
public function index(Education $education)
try {
$educations = $education->where('user_id',$this->userLoggedID())->with('organization','program','country','city')->get();
return view('users.education.index',compact('educations'));
catch (Exception $e) {
In Admin/EducationBackgroundController i have this function which fetch education background of all users and display on the admin view
public function index(Education $education)
try {
$educations = $education->with('organization','program','country','city','user')->get();
return view('admin.users.education.index',compact('educations'));
catch (Exception $e) {
From observation these functions are similar but differ on view return and data fetch.
So How can i create a one Controller which can be used by both Admin and User guards instead of duplicate Controller and View for both Guards.
I did something similar by adding a second set of routes, like this:
Route::middleware(['auth:admin_api'])->group(function () {
Route::prefix('admin')->group(function () {
Route::name('api.admin.')->group(function () {
/// PLACE ADMIN API ROUTES HERE ////////////////////////////
Route::middleware(['auth:api'])->group(function () {
Route::name('api.')->group(function () {
/// PLACE PUBLIC API ROUTES HERE ///////////////////////////
Route::apiResource('test', 'App\Http\Controllers\API\MyController');
So when an admin user goes to admin/test, it uses the admin auth guard, and when a normal user goes to /test it uses the standard auth guard. Both of these use the same controller.
I then created a base controller for my app. Here is how I determined with guard is being used to access the route in the constructor:
use Illuminate\Http\Response;
use App\Http\Controllers\Controller;
class BaseController extends Controller
protected $user;
protected $isAdmin = false;
public function __construct()
if(Auth::guard('admin_api')->check()) {
$this->user = Auth::guard('admin_api')->user();
$this->isAdmin = true;
} elseif(Auth::guard('api')->check()) {
$this->user = Auth::guard('api')->user();
$this->isAdmin = false;
} else {
return response()->json([
'message' => 'Not Authorized',
], 401);