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Drawing multiple circles with text in them using d3.js

I am a new javascript programmer. I am trying to make a visualization that draws circles based on categories ("basically a single category on every circle"). My issue is that my code only prints one circle, with all categories on top of each other.

        var width = 600;
        var height = 600;

        var data = d3.json("/data", function(error, data){
        // Make SVG container 
        var svgContainer ="body")
                             .attr("width", width)
                             .attr("height", height);

        var elem = svgContainer.selectAll("div")

        var elemEnter = elem.enter()

        var circles = elemEnter.append("circle")
                              .attr("cx", 100)
                              .attr("cy", 100)
                              .style("fill", "blue")

                 .attr("dy", function(d){
            return d.SkillProficiencyId +80;
            }).attr("dx",function(d){ return d.SkillProficiencyId-1;})
                    .text(function(d){return d.CategoryName});


enter image description here

> Sample of my Data
(18) [{…}, {…}, {…}, {…}, {…}, {…}, {…}, {…}, {…}, {…}, {…}, {…}, {…}, {…}, {…}, {…}, {…}, {…}]
EmployeeId: 11111
AdUserName: null
FirstName: "ABC"
LastName: "DEF"
SkillId: 2346
CategoryName: "Adaptive Security Architecture"
SkillProficiencyId: 1
SkillProficiencyLevel: "Beginner"
__proto__: Object
1: {EmployeeId: 11111, AdUserName: null, FirstNam...
2: {EmployeeId: 11111, AdUserName: null, FirstName....


  • I created a example with circles dynamically created, with text centered inside.


    enter image description here

    The JS code: [Edited *]

    var width = 600;
    var height = 600;
    // Place your JSON here.
    var data = [
      { CategoryName: 'Adaptive Security', SkillProficiencyId: 1 },
      { CategoryName: 'Programmer', SkillProficiencyId: 2 },
      { CategoryName: 'Coffee Drinker', SkillProficiencyId: 3 }
      This 'cxBase' will be multiplied by element's index, and sum with offset.
      So for 3 elements, cx = 0, 200, 400 ...
      All these values changeable by this vars.
    const cxBase = 200;
    const cxOffset = 100;
    // Make SVG container  
    var svgContainer ="body")
    .attr("width", width)
    .attr("height", height);
    // This function will iterate your data, index) {
      var cx = cxBase * (index) + cxOffset; // Here CX is calculated
      var elem = svgContainer.selectAll("div").data(data);
      var elemEnter = elem.enter()
      var circles = elemEnter.append("circle")
      .attr("cx", cx)
      .attr("cy", 100)
      .attr("r", 80)
      .style("fill", "blue");
      .style("fill", "white")
      .attr("dy", function(d){
        return 105;
        return cx - (props.CategoryName.length * 3.5);
      .text(function (d) {
        return props.CategoryName


    1. As author requested, i did improve the code. Now the circle's cx coordinate is calculated dynamically based on array element's index.
      This 'cxBase' will be multiplied by element's index, and sum with offset
      So for 3 elements, cx = 0, 200, 400 ...
      All these values changeable by this vars.
    const cxBase = 200;
    const cxOffset = 100;