I know this might not be the best question, not much information, but I will try.
I'm trying to add Apple Sign In to Xamarin.Forms app using Xamarin.Essentials. As of now, I'm just trying to make it work on iOS 13, without going any further yet, server side is not required as I understand for this limited scope.
I looked into the sample app for Xamarin.Essentials, and came to conclusion that specifically for iOS 13 it would be enough to call
await AppleSignInAuthenticator.AuthenticateAsync();
However, I got an exception "com.apple.AuthenticationServices.AuthorizationError error 1000". Couldn't fine more details.
Then I took Xamarin.Essentials sample app, changed Bundle Id to what I have in my app, and then it worked. This validated that certificates and App store were configured correctly.
I tried to get Xamarin.Essentials from GitHub and debug through the library, the exception is in AppleSignInAuthenticator.ios.cs in "PlatformAuthenticateAsync", at the line
var creds = await authManager.Credentials;
Update: In entitlements.plist I added
Any help or advise is appreciated.
I new it would be something stupid.
I have Entitlements.Development.plist and Entitlements.Production.plist. Should I say more (didn't add key for com.apple.developer.applesignin everywhere).
BTW, how people handle it, to have separate value for key aps-environment between development and production?