I have a model (AModel) which I wanted to use as singleton. I created a custom scope named @ApplicationScope to use it for every class I need only once. So AppComponent and AModel shares this @ApplicationScope. I have some fragment (ConfirmationFragment) where I would like to use both AModel and BModel. BModel has a different scope because I'd like to use it in 3 fragments but Amodel needed everywhere.
The idea to access both AModel and BModel was to let ConfirmationComponent depend on AppComponent where AModel already available. In this way if I inject ConfirmationComponent to ConfirmationFragment I could use AModel, too.
But I got the following error:
[Dagger/IncompatiblyScopedBindings] ConfirmationComponent scoped with @ConfirmationScope may not reference bindings with different scopes:
Build succeeds when injecting AModel is commented out from ConfirmationFragment but fails when it isn't. I need AModel in that fragment, too.
How could I fix this problem?
(In case it's important: I use only one activity, and let Android navigation do the work with fragments.)
open class MyApplication : Application() {
override fun onCreate() {
val appComponent = initializeComponent()
val appComponent: AppComponent by lazy {
val confirmationComponent: ConfirmationComponent by lazy {
open fun initializeComponent(): AppComponent {
return DaggerAppComponent.factory().create(applicationContext)
open fun initializeConfirmationComponent(): ConfirmationComponent {
return DaggerConfirmationComponent.builder().appComponent(appComponent).build()
@Component(modules = [NetworkModule::class])
interface AppComponent {
interface Factory {
fun create(@BindsInstance context: Context) : AppComponent
fun inject(activity: MainActivity)
fun inject(fragment: ConfirmationFragment)
@Component(dependencies = [AppComponent::class])
interface ConfirmationComponent {
fun inject(fragment: ConfirmationFragment)
class AModel @Inject constructor() {}
class BModel @Inject constructor() {}
class ConfirmationFragment : Fragment() {
lateinit var modelA : AModel
lateinit var modelB : BModel
override fun onAttach(context: Context) {
(requireActivity().applicationContext as MyApplication).confirmationComponent.inject(this)
// Rest of the code
I think you should put it other way around. If I got you correctly ModelA has larger scope than ModelB this means you can have ModelB as a subcomponent of ModelA with narrower scope.
So for this you would need:
@Subcomponent(modules = [...]) // if it is dependent on any modules
interface ConfirmationComponent {
// needed for dagger to create component
interface Factory {
fun create(): ConfirmationComponent
fun inject(yourFragment: Fragment) // fun inject your fragment
subcomponents = [ConfirmationComponent::class]
class SubcomponentsModule
//@ApplicationScopeAnnotation I think you can also use @Singleton
modules = [NetworkModule::class, SubcomponentsModule::class]
interface ApplicationComponent {
fun inject(activity: MainActivity)
fun confirmationComponent(): ConfirmationComponent.Factory
Than just initialize ApplicationComponent in your Application class as usual
Now in your main activity inject ModelA which should be available globally. Also create ConfirmationComponent in your activity
lateinit var modelA : AModel
lateinit var confirmationComponent: ConfirmationComponent
override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {
confirmationComponent = (applicationContext as MyApplication).appComponent
modelA = (applicationContext as MyApplication).appComponent.inject(this)
lateinit var modelB: ModelB // inject modelB
lateinit var modelA: ModelA // get ModelA from activity where it was already injected
override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {
(activity as MainActivity).confirmationComponent.inject(this)
modelA = (activity as MainActivity).modelA
I hope this helps :)