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Rails ActiveRecord find array of ids, but some are not found

I am trying to find a model by an array of ids like so:

Model.find [1,2,3]

but let's say only two of these models exist (the model with id of 2 was deleted):

#<Model id: 1>
#<Model id: 3>

I get an error like this:

#<ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound: Couldn't find all Models with 'id': (1, 2, 3) (found 2 results, but was looking for 3).>

Is it possible to catch this error and determine which of the models were not present?

say i'm in my controller:

def index
  @models = Model.find params.require(:model_ids)
rescue ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound => e

I'd like to, in the ??? line, run some code on the exception e that will return 2, letting me know what of the models was not found, so I can re-run the query without it while noting which ones weren't found.


  • Wrong method. .find should be used to find specific records when you want the code to raise ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound. This is done to ensure that the record exists and avoid nil errors. Typically this is used to trigger a 404 response without repeating the same boilerplate:

    def show
      @record = Record.find_by(id: params[:id])
      unless @record
        render file: 'public/404.html', status: :not_found

    Use .find_by(id: id) if you don't want the code to raise.

    To fetch multiple records use where:

    models = Model.where(id: [1,2,3])

    If you want to determine which of those ids don't exist use an array diff:

    bad_ids = [1,2,3] - models.ids