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Bitnami EC2 Parse Server Instance, change the default email files

I have correctly managed to set up reset email using a mailgun adapter on my Bitnami EC2 Parse Server, where once a user forget his or her password on the android app, they can reset the password via Parse. However, after opening the email, the user gets taken to a page entirely in English. Specifically: DOMAIN.COM/parse/apps/choose_password.

The text is as follows:

Reset Your Password for APP NAME New Password for USER New Password

Confirm New Password Change Password

My question is, how can I edit this page to be in a different language? It is probably a case of finding the file on the server, but I have not been able to find it. I am using the following server:

Thanks for your trouble helping me :)


  • You can change the default pages using these options when initializing Parse Server:

    var server = ParseServer({
      customPages: {
        passwordResetSuccess: "",
        verifyEmailSuccess: "",
        parseFrameURL: "",
        linkSendSuccess: "",
        linkSendFail: "",
        invalidLink: "",
        invalidVerificationLink: "",
        choosePassword: ""

    You can find the default ones to be used as templates here.