I have an ansible inventory with groups as follows:
- linux.yml
- webserver.yml
- dbserver.yml
And I have a playbook that sets monitoring for hosts; and the kind of monitoring is done by plugins. So in each group y set a list monitoring_plugins
that contain the plugin to be able t monitor each service.
Inside each group yml I try to "append" to the list:
monitoring_plugins: {{ monitoring_plugins|default([]) + [ 'whatever_plugin_correspond_to_group' ] }}
But it doesn't work as expected, being expected that if a host belongs to more than one group, it should have the plugins corresponding to those groups.
Is there a way to acommplish this?
Thanks in advance.
What you're describing should work as expected from within a task, but you cannot have executable code in a vars
or group_vars
yaml or json file -- those are static
So you will need to set a distinct name at the low level and then roll them up at the top level:
dbserver.yml # sets monitoring_plugins_dbserver: ["a", "b"]
linux.yml # sets monitoring_plugins_linux: ["c", "d"]
and then in your tasks, something like this (but be forewarned I haven't tested this specific example):
- set_fact:
monitoring_plugins: >-
{%- set results = [] -%}
{%- for g in groups.keys() -%}
{%- set _ = results.extend(vars['monitoring_plugins_' + g] | d([])) -%}
{%- endfor -%}
{{ results }}