A user uploads a document and this gets stored in Azure with ActiveStorage. The next step is that the backend processes this and therefore I have a service object to do this. So I need to download the file from Azure to the tmp
folder within the Rails app. How do I download the file? I cannot use rails_blob_url
because it is not available in a service object, only in controllers and views.
When I still used Paperclip I did something like this:
require 'open-uri'
file = Rails.root.join('tmp', user.attachment_file_name)
name = user.attachment_file_name
download = open(user.attachment.url)
download_result = IO.copy_stream(download, file)
How can I do something similar with ActiveStorage?
You can use ActiveStorage::Blob#open:
Downloads the blob to a tempfile on disk. Yields the tempfile.
Given this example from the guides:
class User < ApplicationRecord
has_one_attached :avatar
You can do this with:
user.avatar.open do |tempfile|
# do something with the file
If its has_many_attached
you of course need to loop through the attachments.