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Upgrading PostgreSQL database with cstore_fdw

I am attempting to upgrade a PostgreSQL database from 11.2 to 12.2, and it has the cstore_fdw extension on it. From what I can tell, this is not supported, so I migrated all cstore foreign tables to native tables, dropped the extension:

create schema cstore_backup;

-- executed the results of all of these:

  format ('create table cstore_backup.%s_%s as select * from %s.%s;',
  foreign_table_schema, foreign_table_name,
  foreign_table_schema, foreign_table_name)
from information_schema.foreign_tables ft 
where foreign_server_name = 'cstore_server';

  format ('drop foreign table %s.%s;',
  foreign_table_schema, foreign_table_name)
from information_schema.foreign_tables ft 
where foreign_server_name = 'cstore_server';

DROP SERVER cstore_server;

drop extension cstore_fdw;

I deleted the folders (I'll put them back to cstore after migration):

rm -fr /apps/pgdata11.2.0/cstore_fdw
rm -f /usr/local/psql11.2/share/postgresql/extension/cst*

I removed references from the postgresql.conf file.

When I run pg_upgrade:

$BIN/pg_upgrade \
  --old-bindir=/usr/local/psql11.2/bin \
  --new-bindir=/usr/local/psql12.2/bin \
  --old-datadir=/apps/pgdata11.2.0 \
  --new-datadir=/apps/pgdata12.2.0 \
  --old-port=5432 \
  --new-port=5432 \
  --jobs=4 --link --username=postgres --check

I still get this message in the loadable_libraries.txt output file:

could not load library "/usr/local/psql11.2/lib/postgresql/": ERROR: could not load library "/usr/local/psql11.2/lib/postgresql/": /usr/local/psql11.2/lib/postgresql/ undefined symbol: ExecClearTuple

I'm stumped. Where does cstore_fdw still reside in my installation?


  • Thanks for the suggestions... it turns out there were some leftover functions in the public schema that referenced the extension, even though it was completely gone. I found all of them with this:

    select * from pg_proc where prosrc ilike '%cstore%'

    Dropping each of them resolved the issues.

    drop function public.cstore_clean_table_resources(oid);
    drop function public.cstore_ddl_event_end_trigger();
    drop function public.cstore_drop_trigger();
    drop function public.cstore_fdw_handler();
    drop function public.cstore_fdw_validator(text[], oid);
    drop function public.cstore_table_size(relation regclass);