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Adding a list of strings to a Realm managed object causes the app to crash on launch

In the following code, adding the "let members =" declaration causes the app to immediately crash on launch.

The crash is an EXC_BAD_ACCESS and the stack trace points to Object.swift -> getNonIgnoredMirrorChildren

import Foundation
import RealmSwift

class GroupSyncModel : Object, Codable {
    @objc dynamic var created : String?
    @objc dynamic var name : String?
    @objc dynamic var groupId : String // Primary key
    @objc dynamic var adminUserId : String?
    @objc dynamic var adminUserName : String?
    @objc dynamic var joinedAt : String?

    let members = List<String>()

    override static func primaryKey() -> String? {
        return "groupId"

Has anyone else encountered this issue?


  • I've seen this. I know it seems that your members property is the problem but it's actually the groupId property. groupId needs to have a default value.

    Change this:

    @objc dynamic var groupId : String

    To this:

    @objc dynamic var groupId : String = "SOME_DEFAULT_STRING_VALUE"