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Google Cloud Video Intelligence checking free monthy usage programatically

I have been using Google Cloud Video Intelligence succesfully with my content with the following code for some time with my Django application running on Google App Engine Flex.

gs_video_path ='gs://'+bucket_name+'/'
video_client = videointelligence.VideoIntelligenceServiceClient()
features = [videointelligence.enums.Feature.OBJECT_TRACKING]
operation = video_client.annotate_video(gs_video_path, features=features)

As explicitly stated by Google Cloud, each month the following is

Feature                     First 1000 minutes  Minutes 1000+

Label detection             Free                $0.10 / minute
Shot detection              Free                $0.05 / minute, or free with Label detection
Explicit content detection  Free                $0.10 / minute
Speech transcription        Free                $0.048 / minute 
Object tracking             Free                $0.15 / minute
Text detection              Free                $0.15 / minute
Logo recognition            Free                $0.15 / minute
Celebrity recognition       Free                $0.10 / minute

How can I programatically detect that the free first 1000 minutes has been used, or the current usage for these features at that instant ?


  • There is no way for you to make this automatically by relying on an API. You would need to keep track of the amount of minutes you have using and deduct them from the free minutes so that you send yourself a notification.

    Additionally, you can do the estimate of one of your cases with the GCP Pricing calculator.

    Hope you find this useful!