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Sbt / javaAgents / force jar-with-dependencies

I want to add "org.kohsuke" % "file-leak-detector" % "1.13" java agent to my sbt configuration.

addSbtPlugin("com.lightbend.sbt" % "sbt-javaagent" % "0.1.5")

enablePlugins(SbtWeb, PlayScala, DebianPlugin, JavaAgent)
javaAgents += "org.kohsuke" % "file-leak-detector" % "1.13"

but this failed at runtime.

Failed to find Premain-Class manifest attribute in /usr/share/someApp/bin/../file-leak-detector/file-leak-detector-1.13.jar
Error occurred during initialization of VM
agent library failed to init: instrument

I've found that i need jar with dependencies to run it as javaAgent but event if I theoretically could download it from I don't know how to use it with sbt-javaagent plugin.

I have tried also:

javaAgents += ("org.kohsuke" % "file-leak-detector" % "1.13") from ""

but without luck. Any ideas how to force sbt-javaagent plugin to use file-leak-detector-1.13-jar-with-dependencies.jar instead of file-leak-detector-1.13-jar?


  • I think you are doing the right thing using from to provide explicit URL

    If your project requires a dependency that is not present in a repository, a direct URL to its jar can be specified as follows:

    libraryDependencies += "slinky" % "slinky" % "2.1" from "" 

    It seems to work on my machine when I provide explicit scope like so

    javaAgents += JavaAgent(
      "org.kohsuke" % "file-leak-detector-1.13-jar-with-dependencies" % "1.13" % Runtime from "",
      arguments = "help"

    Note % Runtime. I think it works because arguments = "help" is honoured and sbt run outputs

    sbt:sbt-javaagents-leka> run
    [info] running (fork) example.Hello
    [error] File leak detector arguments (to specify multiple values, separate them by ',':
    [error]   help          - show the help screen.
    [error]   trace         - log every open/close operation to stderr.
    [error]   trace=FILE    - log every open/close operation to the given file.
    [error]   error=FILE    - if 'too many open files' error is detected, send the dump here.
    [error]                   by default it goes to stderr.
    [error]   threshold=N   - instead of waiting until 'too many open files', dump once
    [error]                   we have N descriptors open.
    [error]   http=PORT     - Run a mini HTTP server that you can access to get stats on demand
    [error]                   Specify 0 to choose random available port, -1 to disable, which is default.
    [error]   strong        - Don't let GC auto-close leaking file descriptors
    [error]   listener=S    - Specify the fully qualified name of ActivityListener class to activate from beginning
    [error]   dumpatshutdown- Dump open file handles at shutdown
    [error]   excludes=FILE - Ignore files opened directly/indirectly in specific methods.
    [error]                   File lists 'some.pkg.ClassName.methodName' patterns.

    Also if I set arguments = "threshold=1" it outputs

    [info] running (fork) example.Hello
    [error] File leak detector installed
    [error] 2 descriptors are open
    [error] #1 /private/var/folders/y7/33z7gnqn1nl2vwzn26j59xy9rwcgwx/T/sbt_412c7765/target/edca7f33/f7a642d3/scala-library-2.13.1.jar by thread:main on Mon Apr 20 11:51:20 BST 2020