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deployment of local parse server using the Back4app-Cli

I followed the back4app tutorial to run parse locally:

The Parse dashboard is well launched. But when trying to deploy the cloud code by running "b4a deploy", I get the following error:

Command must be run inside a Parse project.

I know that I, normally, run this command from the folder containing the parse server code. But, I don't find where to find this folder since after running the following command (using my own back4app credentials), no files or folder created inside the current folder:

parse-server --appId APPLICATION_ID --clientKey CLIENT_KEY --masterKey MASTER_KEY --databaseURI mongodb://localhost/my-app --cloud /path/to/your/cloud/code/folder/main.js

Could you tell me where to find the parse server folder from which I have to run b4a deploy command?


  • First thing first, what you need to do is have an app created at Back4App, if you don't have one, please create the app following these steps.

    So, you must connect to an existing App via CLI using the b4a new command in your terminal. Type (e) and select the number for the name of the application you want to configure.

    Right after, you should be a new folder created at your computer and it is where your app is deployed. Access the cloud code function directory by typing the cd command.

    Now, you should be able to run the b4a deploy command.

    To get the path, you can use pwd command in Linux or %cd% in Windows.

    I hope that it helps!