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Copy pull request description to work item comments on Azure Devops

When PR is approved, there is message "Completing Pull Request 123 and the associated work items." added to associated work item's comments area.

Is there any way how to append PR description?

I have zapier webhook attached to comments and I wont to get PR message in another app.


  • When PR is approved, there is message "Completing Pull Request 123 and the associated work items." added to associated work item's comments area.

    Based on this description, I guess you are attempting to append the PR description to work item comment while the Pull Request is completing, right?

    Afraid to say that there's no such out-of-box feature can let you direct to use. But you can consider to run powershell scripts along with rest api in build pipeline to achieve such goal.

    The logic of my suggestion is:

    Step 1: Prepare environment.

    Create one build pipeline, and make its trigger type as Continues Integration(CI). Only this, the pull request completing can trigger this pipeline processing, then do next job.

    Step 2: Get the PR completing node id, then get corresponding Pull request ID by calling this PRs query api.

    For the build which run by CI, there has one environment variable Build.SourceVersion can represents the merge node id which generated by Pull request complete.

    POST{org}/{project name}/_apis/git/repositories/{repo name}/PullRequestQuery?api-version=6.0-preview.1
      "queries": [
          "type": 1,
          "items": [
            "$(Build.SourceVersion)" // Put the $(Build.SourceVersion) value here.

    Then, in its response body, you will see there has one parameter pullRequestId which target to the Pull request this commit id associated with.

    enter image description here

    Step 3: Get detailed PR description and work item id by using the pull request id we get in step 2.

    Get{org}/{project name}/_apis/git/repositories/{repo name}/pullrequests/{pull request id}?includeWorkItemRefs=true&api-version=5.1

    Put the pull reqeust id we got from step 2 into this api, then you can see the description contents along with the work item id from its response body:

    enter image description here

    Step 4: Add this description contents to corresponding work item comment area.

    POST{org}/{project name}/_apis/wit/workItems/{WorkItem Id}?api-version=5.1-preview.3
          "op": "add",
          "path": "/fields/System.History",
          "Value": $(description) // put the description here

    As I mentioned firstly, make sure this pipeline is triggered by CI. Then you will get the description contents be added into WIT comment once the Pull request is completing.