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import objects from references in maya

I have scenes with multiple references that I want to import in the current scene
I have found how to do it when I have only 1 level of referencing, like this :


but it doesn't work when I have multiple referencing level because the hierachy isn't respected

my hierarchy :


here is my code :

import maya.cmds as cmds
refs ='reference')
print refs
for ref in refs:
    rFile = cmds.referenceQuery(ref, f=True)
    cmds.file(rFile, importReference=True)

it returns this in multiple level of referencing :

line 8: The specified reference file cannot be imported because its parent file is not the top-level scene file. # 

how can I import all my references in my scene with python, with multiple levels of references ?

thank you


  • There's a few rules Maya needs you to follow:

    1. You can only import top-level references. If it's a nested reference it will throw an error.
    2. The reference must be loaded or it will throw an error.

    The issue with calling'reference') is that it will return ALL references, including nested ones, which would break rule #1.

    It's a bit of a gotcha to get it to work because I thought there was a simple parameter you can pass to importReference to import its whole chain of nested references, but there doesn't seem to be any. So this is how to do it: Iterate through all top-level references only and import them. This will cause all direct children references to become top-level now, so re-iterate to import those. Rinse and repeat until there is no more to iterate with.

    Here's how that can be done (this will skip all unloaded references):

    import maya.cmds as cmds
    all_ref_paths = cmds.file(q=True, reference=True) or []  # Get a list of all top-level references in the scene.
    for ref_path in all_ref_paths:
        if cmds.referenceQuery(ref_path, isLoaded=True):  # Only import it if it's loaded, otherwise it would throw an error.
            cmds.file(ref_path, importReference=True)  # Import the reference.
            new_ref_paths = cmds.file(q=True, reference=True)  # If the reference had any nested references they will now become top-level references, so recollect them.
            if new_ref_paths:
                for new_ref_path in new_ref_paths:
                    if new_ref_path not in all_ref_paths:  # Only add on ones that we don't already have.