I am currently using Microsoft adal angular for Azure active directory authentication and below if the configuration settings for the same.
tenant: 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx',
clientId: 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx',
redirectUri: window.location.origin,
endpoints: {
"xxxxxxxx": "xxxxxxxxxxxxxx",
navigateToLoginRequestUrl: true,
cacheLocation: 'localStorage',
loadFrameTimeout: 60000
I have set reply URL as https://xxx.azurewebsites.net/ in Azure app registrations.
The above configuration works fine if I use https://xxx.azurewebsites.net/ and enter into the application. But when I use https://xxx.azurewebsites.net/dashboard and enter my credentials it is throwing the error mentioned in the subject and not allowing me to go in.
I know that the Azure has blocked wild card configurations in Active directory. Is there a way for me to configure the settings to successfully authenticate If I copy-paste any deep link from the application.
Any help would be really appreciated and thanks in advance.
When the redirect_uri in the authorization request mismatches the redirect url configured in Azure AD registrations, you will encounter this error.
So if you want to use https://xxx.azurewebsites.net/dashboard
in your request, you should also add it as the redirect url of your Azure AD registrations.
Based on our discussion, you just need to specify the redirect URL in your code as the same url as what you have configured in your Azure AD app: https://xxx.azurewebsites.net
to meet your requirement.