I want to calculate a directory(e.g- XYZ) size which contains sub folders and sub files. I want total size of all the files and everything inside XYZ.
I could find out all the folders inside a particular path. But I want size of all together. Also I see
gives me data size of abc file. But I want complete size of XYZ.
The dbutils.fs.ls
doesn't have a recurse functionality like cp
, mv
or rm
. Thus, you need to iterate yourself. Here is a snippet that will do the task for you. Run the code from a Databricks Notebook.
from dbutils import FileInfo
from typing import List
root_path = "/mnt/datalake/.../XYZ"
def discover_size(path: str, verbose: bool = True):
def loop_path(paths: List[FileInfo], accum_size: float):
if not paths:
return accum_size
head, tail = paths[0], paths[1:]
if head.size > 0:
if verbose:
print(f"{head.path}: {head.size / 1e6} MB")
accum_size += head.size / 1e6
return loop_path(tail, accum_size)
extended_tail = dbutils.fs.ls(head.path) + tail
return loop_path(extended_tail, accum_size)
return loop_path(dbutils.fs.ls(path), 0.0)
discover_size(root_path, verbose=True) # Total size in megabytes at the end
If the location is mounted in the dbfs. Then you could use the du -h
approach (have not test it). If you are in the Notebook, create a new cell with:
du -h /mnt/datalake/.../XYZ