Hi I would like to make a condition using ternary inside my widget... but I didn't able to pass it... the error says that type '()=>Null' is not a subtype of type 'Widget'
and here is the code
DateFormat("HH:mm:ss").format(DateTime.now()) =="05:12:01"
// the error starts from here since I have 2 commands (setState and widget Text) inside function
() {
setState(() {
fail = true;
_imageFile = null;
Text('Time is up');
: Text("Success")
what should I do to get Text('Time is up');
setState(() {
fail = true;
_imageFile = null;
is that bad idea to wrap it inside function?
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return someCondition ? SomeWidget() : OtherWidget();//someCondition is a bool defined in your class
in the code you provided you should put an if statement you can't put statements in a conditional expression