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SQL Window function to find days past due

I want calculate DPD (days past due) from loan list sorted by date. Every past Due date should re-counted. See example in attach . How can I calculate "Days past due" column ?

DPD picture attach


  • This should do it.

    t1.LoanNumber, t1.daydate, t1.Status, case 
    when status = 'Past Due'
      then datediff(day, 
                 (select max(daydate) from table1 t2 
                    where t2.loanNumber =t1.loanNumber 
                    and t2.daydate<t1.daydate and t2.status<> 'Past Due'
       else 0 end as [Days Past Due]
    from table1 t1

    You can try it on sqlfiddle