Search code examples

Promise.all for with axios

What I would like to do: I have an array of book titles. e.g.

var bookTitleArray = ["1984", "clockwork Orange"];

For this array I would like to call an API via axios and get back detail info on each title.

What I have done so far: To do so, I have created an request which calls axios which is wrapped into an async function.

The axios async function looks like following:

async function axiosWrapper (Item){
    var ItemPromise = axios.request({
            url: 'some URL',
            method: 'get',
            baseURL: 'some URL',
            headers: {
                'Authorization': 'some authorization'
    var axiosResult = await ItemPromise;
    return axiosResult

I have console.logged the axiosResult and it delivers the right data back. Hence the axios seems to work

The async with the promise.all looks as following:

async function mapWrapper(ArrayToRunThrough){

    var promiseArray = => {

    var ArrayOfResults = await Promise.all(promiseArray);

In the end I invoke the mapWrapper with the array of books I would like to search


What I experienced: Unfortunately I get back only two arrays of "undefined".

My assumption: I assume the Promise.all / await to not work as expected.

Where I need help: How can I get the actual values from the Axios API call in this setup in the "ArrayOfResults"?


  • You are not returning your axiosWrapper in your map. You should do :

    async function mapWrapper(ArrayToRunThrough){
        var promiseArray = => {
            return axiosWrapper(Item)
        var ArrayOfResults = await Promise.all(promiseArray);