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Auto multiple animation rotate with continuously from slow rotate till to fastest rotate in the css at once call on/off onclick of an element?

This is more detailed description from the thread of what I've made on this link. I have 3 animations on css what I've made in fiddle that are "animate1 (as a slow rotate), animate2 (as a medium rotate) and animate3 (as a fastest rotate)" with continuously repeated automatically not with rapided them onclick which is want to running at once call by toggle on/off of an onClick on an Element of "<h1>". During till now what I'd know from what my achievements has reached is just only for running them leading till to animate2 only. After that I don't know how to figured out an of this all ? Please anyone to take and help for solve this case and sorry about my worse english ...
Fiddel's demo greates an achievements with the correct schedule of animations times of delay.
Fiddel's demo greates an achievements with the correct position of multi-animations places supposed be.


  • Not really sure about what you want. Just trying to guess it...

    .test {
        font-size: 50px;
        background-color: lightblue;
        animation: rotate linear 6s infinite;
        display: block;
        width: 50px;
    @keyframes rotate {
      0% {transform: rotate(0deg)}
      33% {transform: rotate(360deg)}
      66% {transform: rotate(1080deg)}
      100% {transform: rotate(7200deg)}
    Another possible approach, making the speed increase smoother:
    <div class="test">A</div>

    .test {
        font-size: 50px;
        background-color: lightblue;
        display: block;
        width: 35px;
        padding: 0px 14px;
        animation: rotate 6s infinite;
        animation-timing-function: cubic-bezier(.59,.07,.88,.64);
    @keyframes rotate {
      0% {transform: rotate(0deg)}
      100% {transform: rotate(1800deg)}
    <div class="test">A</div>