I have a component that returns an object called Progress
, inside of which is an array called Results
. This array has objects with various properties, one of which is called total
Progress: {
count: 100,
results: [
{total: 4, ...},
{total: 10, ...},
The component, Dashboard
, gets the data from state and maps it the Progress property.
export class Dashboard extends Component {
static propTypes = {
progress: PropTypes.object.isRequired,
getProgress: PropTypes.func.isRequired,
totalResults: PropTypes.number.isRequired
componentDidMount() {
const selectProgress = state => state.progressReducer.progress
const mapStateToProps = state => ({
progress: selectProgress(state),
export default connect(mapStateToProps, { getProgress })(Dashboard)
The issue I have now is how can I add a new property which is derived from progress?
I understand I need to use a Selector but I cannot see where/how to do this.
For example, I know I can do something trivial (and pointless) like this:
const mapStateToProps = state => ({
progress: selectProgress(state),
count: selectProgress(state).count
which adds another property count
to the component (yes it's just duplicated the property inside progress, hence why it is pointless).
What I need to do is something like this:
const mapStateToProps = state => ({
progress: selectProgress(state),
resultsTotal: <loop through the results array and sum the property total>
1 - What I have tried
I tried this even though I understand it isn't meant to be this way. This is to illustrate hopefully what I am trying to do - AFTER I've got progress, pass it to some function to calculate the total and return that as a property to the component:
const selectResults = progress => {
progress.results.reduce((acc, result) => {
acc + result.total
}, 0)
const mapStateToProps = state => ({
progress: selectProgress(state),
totalResults: selectResults(progress)
2 - What I have tried
I thought this would have worked, by basically letting the render view call function at the point needed in the JSX:
export class Dashboard extends Component {
static propTypes = {
progress: PropTypes.object.isRequired,
getProgress: PropTypes.func.isRequired,
componentDidMount() {
totalResults() {
if (this.props.progress.results)
return this.props.progress.results.reduce((acc, result) => {
acc + result.total
}, 0)
render() {
<SummaryCard title='Students' value={this.totalResults()} />
I am now wondering why this didn't work - I had to add this line:
if (this.props.progress.results)
because progress is of course empty when this function executes (ie I guess because it executes when the component first mounts, and the store has not returned the data yet).
One solution that I found to this problem is to use the excellent reselect library. From their github page:
So I had to create a second selector and chain it to the first one.
Below you can see that progressSelector
will pass its result (the progress
data) onto the next selector in the chain (totalResultsSelector
Here is the full component:
import React, { Component } from 'react';
import Row from 'react-bootstrap/Row';
import Col from 'react-bootstrap/Col';
import PropTypes from 'prop-types';
import { connect } from 'react-redux';
import { createSelector } from 'reselect'
import { getProgress } from '../../actions/progress';
import SummaryCard from '../SummaryCard';
import { People } from 'react-bootstrap-icons';
import { Book } from 'react-bootstrap-icons';
import { Award } from 'react-bootstrap-icons';
import styles from './styles.scss';
export class Dashboard extends Component {
static propTypes = {
progress: PropTypes.object.isRequired,
getProgress: PropTypes.func.isRequired,
totalResults: PropTypes.number.isRequired
componentDidMount() {
render() {
return (
<div className={styles.wrapper}>
<Row xs={1} sm={3}>
<SummaryCard title='Students' value={this.props.totalResults} icon={<People />} />
<SummaryCard title='Courses' value={this.props.progress.count} icon={<Book />} />
<SummaryCard title='Certified' value='0' icon={<Award />} />
const progressSelector = state => state.progressReducer.progress
const totalResultsSelector = createSelector (
progress => {
if (!progress.results) return 0
const total = progress.results.reduce((acc, result) => {
return acc + result.total
}, 0)
return total
const mapStateToProps = state => ({
progress: progressSelector(state),
totalResults: totalResultsSelector(state)
export default connect(mapStateToProps, { getProgress })(Dashboard)