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SQL Server FOR XML AUTO help - ChildNode name

I have this query

;WITH history_cte AS 
     ActivityId [id]
     , Added [activityDate]
     , [Year] [year]
     , Make [make]
     , Model [model]
     , Engine [engine]
     , MricId [mricId]
     , Display [activityDescription]
     , [Header] [header]
     , [VehicleText] [vehicleDescription]
     , ob = CONVERT(VARCHAR(10), Added, 121)
     FROM @top20Activities Activities         
, historyDistinct_cte AS (SELECT DISTINCT [header], ob FROM history_cte)

    , (
            , activityDate
            , [year]
            , make
            , model
            , engine
            , mricId
            , activityDescription
            , vehicleDescription
        FROM history_cte Activity
        WHERE [header] = Activities.[header]
        ORDER BY ob DESC
FROM historyDistinct_cte Activities
ORDER BY Activities.ob DESC
FOR XML AUTO, TYPE, ROOT ('ActivityHistory')    

It generates [Almost] the XML I need. The child node is simply named wrong. I've tried switching aliases so many times and cannot for the life of me figure out the correct way. I'm getting this XML

  <Activities header="Today - Wednesday, May 25, 2011">
    <Activities id="100000" activityDate="2011-05-25T00:00:00" year="2011" make="Ford" model="Fusion Hybrid" engine="2.5 L" mricId="1" activityDescription="Maintenance: 0 Miles" vehicleDescription="2011 Ford Fusion Hybrid 2.5 L" />
    <Activities id="100001" activityDate="2011-05-25T00:00:00" year="2011" make="Ford" model="Fusion Hybrid" engine="2.5 L" mricId="1" activityDescription="Maintenance: 44,000 Miles" vehicleDescription="2011 Ford Fusion Hybrid 2.5 L" />
    <Activities id="100002" activityDate="2011-05-25T00:00:00" year="2011" make="Ford" model="Fusion Hybrid" engine="2.5 L" mricId="1" activityDescription="Diagnostics: P0300" vehicleDescription="2011 Ford Fusion Hybrid 2.5 L" />
    <Activities id="100003" activityDate="2011-05-25T00:00:00" year="2011" make="Ford" model="Fusion Hybrid" engine="2.5 L" mricId="1" activityDescription="Diagnostics: P0301" vehicleDescription="2011 Ford Fusion Hybrid 2.5 L" />
    <Activities id="100004" activityDate="2011-05-25T00:00:00" year="2011" make="Ford" model="Fusion Hybrid" engine="2.5 L" mricId="1" activityDescription="Diagnostics: P0311" vehicleDescription="2011 Ford Fusion Hybrid 2.5 L" />
    <Activities id="100005" activityDate="2011-05-25T00:00:00" year="2011" make="Ford" model="Fusion Hybrid" engine="2.5 L" mricId="1" activityDescription="Diagnostics: P0321" vehicleDescription="2011 Ford Fusion Hybrid 2.5 L" />
    <Activities id="100006" activityDate="2011-05-25T00:00:00" year="2011" make="Ford" model="Fusion Hybrid" engine="2.5 L" mricId="1" activityDescription="Diagnostics: P0331" vehicleDescription="2011 Ford Fusion Hybrid 2.5 L" />
    <Activities id="100007" activityDate="2011-05-25T00:00:00" year="2011" make="Ford" model="Fusion Hybrid" engine="2.5 L" mricId="1" activityDescription="Diagnostics: P0341" vehicleDescription="2011 Ford Fusion Hybrid 2.5 L" />
    <Activities id="100008" activityDate="2011-05-25T00:00:00" year="2011" make="Ford" model="Fusion Hybrid" engine="2.5 L" mricId="1" activityDescription="Diagnostics: P0351" vehicleDescription="2011 Ford Fusion Hybrid 2.5 L" />
    <Activities id="100009" activityDate="2011-05-25T00:00:00" year="2011" make="Ford" model="Fusion Hybrid" engine="2.5 L" mricId="1" activityDescription="Diagnostics: P0361" vehicleDescription="2011 Ford Fusion Hybrid 2.5 L" />
    <Activities id="100010" activityDate="2011-05-25T00:00:00" year="2011" make="Ford" model="Fusion Hybrid" engine="2.5 L" mricId="1" activityDescription="Diagnostics: P0371" vehicleDescription="2011 Ford Fusion Hybrid 2.5 L" />
  <Activities header="Tuesday, May 24, 2011">
    <Activities id="100011" activityDate="2011-05-24T00:00:00" year="2008" make="Mitchell" model="Cooper" engine="1.6 L" mricId="1" activityDescription="Maintenance: 0 Miles" vehicleDescription="2008 Mitchell Cooper 1.6 L" />
    <Activities id="100012" activityDate="2011-05-24T00:00:00" year="2008" make="Mitchell" model="Cooper" engine="1.6 L" mricId="1" activityDescription="Maintenance: 82,000 Miles" vehicleDescription="2008 Mitchell Cooper 1.6 L" />
    <Activities id="100013" activityDate="2011-05-24T00:00:00" year="2008" make="Mitchell" model="Cooper" engine="1.6 L" mricId="1" activityDescription="Repair: Radiator" vehicleDescription="2008 Mitchell Cooper 1.6 L" />
    <Activities id="100014" activityDate="2011-05-24T00:00:00" year="2008" make="Mitchell" model="Cooper" engine="1.6 L" mricId="1" activityDescription="Repair: Cooling Fan Motor" vehicleDescription="2008 Mitchell Cooper 1.6 L" />
    <Activities id="100015" activityDate="2011-05-24T00:00:00" year="2008" make="Mitchell" model="Cooper" engine="1.6 L" mricId="1" activityDescription="Repair: Ignition Control" vehicleDescription="2008 Mitchell Cooper 1.6 L" />
    <Activities id="100016" activityDate="2011-05-24T00:00:00" year="2008" make="Mitchell" model="Cooper" engine="1.6 L" mricId="1" activityDescription="Repair: Spark Plug Advance" vehicleDescription="2008 Mitchell Cooper 1.6 L" />
    <Activities id="100017" activityDate="2011-05-24T00:00:00" year="2008" make="Mitchell" model="Cooper" engine="1.6 L" mricId="1" activityDescription="Repair: Seat Motor" vehicleDescription="2008 Mitchell Cooper 1.6 L" />
   <Activities id="100018" activityDate="2011-05-24T00:00:00" year="2008" make="Mitchell" model="Cooper" engine="1.6 L" mricId="1" activityDescription="Diagnostics: P112" vehicleDescription="2008 Mitchell Cooper 1.6 L" />
  <Activities header="Sunday, May 22, 2011">
    <Activities id="100019" activityDate="2011-05-22T00:00:00" year="2007" make="Chevrolet" model="Camaro" engine="400cc" mricId="1" activityDescription="Maintenance: 0 Miles" vehicleDescription="2007 Chevrolet Camaro 400cc" />

How do I correct the problem so the [Activity] child nodes are named correctly. I feel I'm quite close. Thanks for any help, tips, or tricks.

Cheers in San Diego, ~ck


  • Can you try this for your final SELECT?

                , activityDate
                , [year]
                , make
                , model
                , engine
                , mricId
                , activityDescription
                , vehicleDescription
         FROM history_cte Activity
         WHERE [header] = Activities.[header]
         ORDER BY ob DESC
         FOR XML PATH('Activity'), TYPE
    FROM historyDistinct_cte Activities
    ORDER BY Activities.ob DESC
    FOR XML AUTO, TYPE, ROOT ('ActivityHistory')  

    I replaced the FOR XML AUTO, TYPE in the nested select with a FOR XML PATH('Activity'), TYPE - does that do what you're looking for??