I am writing a little Program in C# which includes a C++ Dll.
In C++, there are many classes which needed to be instanced and left for later use. This looks like the following function:
__declspec(dllexport) FrameCapture* GetFrameCapturer(HWND windowHandle) {
ProcessWindow* window = ProcessWindowCollection::GetInstance()->FindWindow(windowHandle);
FrameCapture* capture = new FrameCapture(window);
return capture;
As you can see I just create a FrameCapture class and return a Pointer to it.
This Pointer is stored in C# as an IntPtr.
public static extern IntPtr GetFrameCapturer(IntPtr windowHandle);
This works really well so far. But if I use that Pointer to get an Instance of FrameCapture
__declspec(dllexport) BITMAPFILEHEADER* GetBitmapFileHeader(FrameCapture* frameCapturer) {
return frameCapturer->GetBitmapFileHeader();
the class will be completely empty. How do I get the Instance of the Class I initialized in step one?
I did some testing and replaced the Pointers with integers which are better to look at.
I casted 'capture' to an Int32 and returned this instead. In my testcase it returned byte(208,113,244,194). This values are, as expected, in C++ and C# the same.
But, now it becomes odd.
If I pass this Int32 into 'GetBitmapFileHeader' the value becomes suddenly byte(184,231,223,55).
That's not even close! I thought of Little <-> Big Endian or something like this but, this is a whole new Memoryblock?
The same behavior will go on with the IntPtr.
As requested I post also the Import of 'GetBitmapFileHeader'
public static extern tagBITMAPFILEHEADER GetBitmapFileHeader(IntPtr capturerHandle);
Okay, I got it.
See this import from C#.
public static extern tagBITMAPFILEHEADER GetBitmapFileHeader(IntPtr capturerHandle);
Its wrong!
The function now returns an IntPtr wich works completely fine.
This is the new Setup:
__declspec(dllexport) void* __stdcall GetBitmapFileHeader(void* frameCapturer) {
FrameCapture* cap = (FrameCapture*)frameCapturer;
return cap->GetBitmapFileHeader();
[DllImport("libWinCap.dll", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.StdCall)]
public static extern IntPtr GetBitmapFileHeader(IntPtr frameCapturer);
IntPtr ptr = GetBitmapFileHeader(m_capturerHandle);
m_bitmap.m_fileHeader = (tagBITMAPFILEHEADER)Marshal.PtrToStructure(ptr, typeof(tagBITMAPFILEHEADER));
Iam only moving Pointers now and use PtrToStructure to read the Memory.
Also, Thanks for every comment.