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Ar-js and a-frame look-controls . The object is placed with angle if adding look controls to a-entity

I'm using Ar-js based on marker (Hiro marker). Here is working example:

<a-scene embedded arjs>
    <a-marker preset="hiro">
        <a-entity look-controls position="0 -0.5 0" rotation="0 0 0" scale="1 1 1">
            <a-box position="0 0 0" rotation="0 0 0" color="#4CC3D9" shadow></a-box>
    <a-entity camera></a-entity>

The object (box) is placed with angle (rotated) but it should be horizontal! Without look-controls it is horizontal... I test it on iPhone 6S! iOS 13.3.1

Is it bug? How to set it up horizontal with look-controls? (I need to rotate the object with touch gestures thats why I'm using look-controls)

p.s. The Hiro marker is here


  • The box is fine when tested on PC/Laptop but not on Mobile. After some test, using version 1.0.0 solve the issue for now

    <script src=""></script>

    Although on my devices (xiaomi redmi note 8 pro), i can ONLY rotate the box horizontally (can't rotate vertically). But it is fine on PC/Laptop.

    Hope aframe solve this issue