I am trying to pass system properties to my gradle tests. With standard gradle, I would use
test {
//... Other configurations ...
systemProperties = System.properties
With kotlin DSL, this won't run:
tasks.withType<Test> {
options {
The problem is that properties is HashTable
and expected type is Map<String, String>
Right now, I use following workaround:
tasks.withType<Test> {
val props = mutableMapOf<String, String>()
System.getProperties().forEach {
val key = it.key
val value = it.value
if (key is String && value is String) {
props[key] = value
options {
Any clue? Thank you.
This works for me:
systemProperties = System.getProperties().map { e -> Pair(e.key as String, e.value) }.toMap()
To pass a single system property:
systemProperty("property.name", System.getProperty("property.name"))