I have a table inside of a form, with the following code:
<% @appointments.each do |appointment| %>
<td class="collapsing">
<div class="ui fitted slider checkbox">
<%= f.check_box appointment.id %><label></label>
<td><%= appointment.name %></td>
<% end %>
So a checkbox is generated, but if I'm selecting multiple checkboxes, I get
Parameters: {"utf8"=>"✓", "authenticity_token"=>"qCo02PG1F2wrSK4sxCQiQLzuhG4vZypgd9p5LzP9Sp7uZQFHs8tTTitLR++VXVK3f68P0qih+iQBlZt9anG01Q==", "cleaner"=>{"4"=>"1", "5"=>"0", "2"=>"0", "3"=>"0", "6"=>"0"}, "commit"=>"Request", "cleaner_id"=>"1"}
So to access the appointments, I would do parameters["cleaner"]
and get <ActionController::Parameters {"4"=>"1", "5"=>"1", "2"=>"0", "3"=>"0", "6"=>"0"} permitted: false>
What I am looking to do is get an array instead of a hash.
The Hash class provides a keys
method, which will return the keys of a hash as an array.
So parameters["cleaner"].keys
is what you are (probably) looking for.