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How to create a Chart with Date / Time on the bottom Axis using iOS Charts Library?

I am currently working with the iOS Library Charts and have some issues to implement a TimeLine for the x Axis.

Library Link:

I have a List of Objects as the Input for the Chart.

let objectList : [Object] = fillObjectList()

class Object {
    var timeCreated : Date
    var value : Double

I already implemented a solution where I just used the timeCreated.timeIntervalsince1970 as the values for the x Axis. But this does not look so great.

So if some of you have some experience using iOS Charts Library, I hope you guys can think of a solution for this problem. Thanks a lot for your help in advance!


  • You need to create implementation class of IAxisValueFormatter, something like this

    note: I did not compile it, so may need some correction

    public class DateValueFormatter: NSObject, IAxisValueFormatter {
        private let dateFormatter = DateFormatter()
        private let objects:[Object]
        init(objects: [Object]) {
            self.objects = objects
            dateFormatter.dateFormat = "dd MMM HH:mm"
        public func stringForValue(_ value: Double, axis: AxisBase?) -> String {
            if value >= 0 && value < objects.count{
                let object = objects[Int(value)]
                return dateFormatter.string(from: object.timeCreated)
            return ""

    and use the formatted with this code

    xAxis.valueFormatter = DateValueFormatter(objects: objectList)

    edit: you can see some example what I try using charts lib in this repo