The following directed example graph is initially arranged with the visIgraphLayout("layout_with_sugiyama")
### create nodes
nodes <- tibble(id = c (1:13), group = c("D","D","D","A","C","C","C","C","A","A","C","A","A"),
label = c("only outgoing a","only outgoing b","only outgoing c","only incoming d","e","f","g","h","only incoming i","only incoming j","k","only incoming l","only incoming m")
### create edges
edges <- tibble(id = 1:12, from = c(1,1,2,3,3,7,6,8,8,5,11,11), to = c(5,6,5,4,7,8,8,9,11,10,12,13), arrows = "to")
### visualize graph
visNetwork(nodes, edges, main = "Test") %>%
visGroups(groupname = "A", size = 25, color = list(
background = "#005A83",
border = "#005A83")) %>%
visGroups(groupname = "C",size = 20, color = list(
background = "#994350",
border = "#000000")) %>%
visGroups(groupname = "D", size = 20, color = list(
background = "#44706F",
border = "#44706F")) %>%
visEdges(smooth = F, font = list("size"=5), color = "black") %>%
visLegend(width = 0.2) %>%
visIgraphLayout("layout_with_sugiyama") %>%
visInteraction(navigationButtons = TRUE) %>%
visPhysics(enabled = F)
The algorithm arranged the directed graph from the top to the bottom. I would like to visualize it from the left to the right. Hence, i only would like to rotate the graph by 90 degree to the left so that the green start-nodes are at the left and the blue end-nodes at the right. The legend etc. should not be affected.
Anybody an idea?
Found a solution due to bthieurmel on github:
graph <- visNetwork(nodes, edges, main = "Test") %>%
visGroups(groupname = "A", size = 25, color = list(
background = "#005A83",
border = "#005A83")) %>%
visGroups(groupname = "C",size = 20, color = list(
background = "#994350",
border = "#000000")) %>%
visGroups(groupname = "D", size = 20, color = list(
background = "#44706F",
border = "#44706F")) %>%
visEdges(smooth = F, font = list("size"=5), color = "black") %>%
visLegend(width = 0.2) %>%
visIgraphLayout("layout_with_sugiyama") %>%
visInteraction(navigationButtons = TRUE) %>%
visPhysics(enabled = F)
# access to the coordinates of the graph object with graph$nodes$x
# change the x and y coordinates
coord_y <- graph$x$nodes$y
graph$x$nodes$y <- graph$x$nodes$x
graph$x$nodes$x <- coord_y