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Can I run interval timers in AwesomeWM?

I am using Awesome 4.3 on Manjaro Linux (Arch) I changed from a KDE desktop to an XFCE desktop. I wrote a wallpaper switcher that will change the wallpaper randomly on four separate screens. I wrote the randomize routine in a standard Lua file for development purposes. I added it to rc.lua, but it doesn't seem that the Lua timers (luv) are running in rc.lua. I checked all the methods separately to load the wallpaper from my randomize routines, and they work perfectly when I call directly for one set of files for the four screens. As soon as I add the interval timers, nothing happens, no error, nothing at all.

This is the code simplified to load only one screen, am I missing something, taking out the awesome objects and replacing with print statements and it works perfectly in a standard Lua file

thanks any help is appreciated

local lfs = require('lfs') -- lua file system
local uv = require('luv') -- lua timer
local dir = "/home/jerry/Documents/wallpaper"
local images = {} -- images collection
local idx = 0

local function tablelength(T)
    local count = 0
    for _ in pairs(T) do count = count + 1 end
    return count

local function readImages(path)
    for file in lfs.dir(path) do
        if file ~= "." and file ~= ".." then
            images[idx] = path .. '/' .. file
            idx = idx + 1

imageCount = tablelength(images)

local function getImage()
    number = math.random(1, imageCount)
    return images[number]

local function setInterval(interval, callback)
    local timer = uv.new_timer()
    uv.timer_start(timer, 0, interval, callback)
    return timer

local function cb()
    local path = getImage()
    gears.wallpaper.maximized(path, screen[1], true)

timer1 = setInterval(1000, cb)
 local function cb(gears, getImage, screen, screenIndex)
    return function()
        print("Screen " .. screenIndex)
        return gears.wallpaper.maximized(getImage(), screen[screenIndex], true)


  • You forgot to call That call runs the timers. However, it would also does not run anything else, so AwesomeWM would stop working. runs a main loop. This loop waits for events (like: A timer expires) and then handles that event. AwesomeWM also uses a main loop. It runs GLib's GMainLoop.

    Since you cannot run two main loops at the same time, you'll have to use GLib's and AwesomeWMs facilities. I found some docs for luv's timer_start: According to this, your timer_start(timer, 0, interval, callback) means that the timer triggers immediately and then every second. The AwesomeWM version of this is:

    local gears = require("gears") -- This is part of AwesomeWM
    local timer1 = gears.start_new(1, function()
        print("I run once per second")
        return true -- Signal that the timer should continue running
    timer1:emit_signal("timeout") -- Cause the callback function to run right now

    gears.timer uses GLib to run the timer: