I am learning how to work with trees in postgresql12 and found a good function connectby
For example:
SELECT * FROM connectby('descriptor_value', 'descriptor_value_id',
'parent_value_id', '1', 0, '->')
Gives the following ouput:
However, I don't want to build all tree starting from root, I want to get branch to root starting from node (performance). For example, I want to pass as argument 87
and get 1->86->87
. Is there such a function?
This is typically done using a recursive common table expression.
with recursive cte as (
select descriptor_value_id, parent_value_id, 1 as level
from descriptor_value
where descriptor_value_id = 87
union all
select p.descriptor_value_id, p.parent_value_id, c.level + 1
from descriptor_value p
join cte c on c.parent_value_id = p.descriptor_value_id
select *
from cte;
The connectby()
function is pretty much obsolete since the introduction of recursive CTEs in Postgres 8.4