I'm trying to register a second firebase application in my app. The first one is correctly registered inside didFinishWithLaunchingWithOptions
method (by default is using the GoogleService-Info.plist)
Then I need to retrieve a new googleAppId from a server and configure a new application using this new googleAppId and using my iOSID of curse. I am doing all this registration inside AppDelegate. I'm registering this way:
let options = FirebaseOptions(googleAppID: String(format: "1:%a:ios:%a", googleID, iOSID), gcmSenderID: googleID)
//Deleting the first app in order to register the second
let app = FirebaseApp.app()
app?.delete { _ in }
FirebaseApp.configure(options: options)
It was working well until I update my firebase version from 6.2 to 6.19, now the app is crashing in FirebaseApp.configure(options: options)
The log says:
Terminating app due to uncaught exception 'com.firebase.installations', reason
'[Firebase/Installations][I-FIS008000] Could not confiure Firebase Installations die to invalid
Firebase options. The following parameters are nil or empty: `FirebaseOptions.APIKEY`. If you
use GoogleServices-Info.plist please download the most recent version from the Firebase Console.
If you configure Firebase in code, please make sure you specify all required paramaters.
Is worth mencioning that a new Framework was added to Analytics in Firebase version 6.15 so I had to added it in order to make my app compile again.
I also tried to add a new parameter inside the FirebaseOptions
but is still asking for the same parameters, it is not expecting an APIKEY which i don't know where to get it
The message comes from here as far as I can see. The check done there shows that these three values must always be specified:
if (appName.length < 1) { [missingFields addObject:@"`FirebaseApp.name`"]; } if (appOptions.APIKey.length < 1) { [missingFields addObject:@"`FirebaseOptions.APIKey`"]; } if (appOptions.googleAppID.length < 1) { [missingFields addObject:@"`FirebaseOptions.googleAppID`"]; }
From the error message and your code it looks like you're not specifying the APIKEY
in your FirebaseOptions, which is required according to the SDK.