Search code examples

Laravel whereHas on M2M having same attribute

I have two models, word and meaning, in a Many-to-Many relationship.

Model Meaning:

public function words(){
        return $this->belongsToMany(Word::class);

Model Word:

public function meanings(){
        return $this->belongsToMany(Meaning::class);

I need to find all the meanings that have a word equal to their self name. I tried:

$meanings = Meaning::whereHas('word', function ($query) { 
               $query->where('', ''); 

But this searches meanings that are called literally "". Any idea ? Thanks!


  • there is a special 'where' for this case, it 's 'whereColumn', this where meant to make comparison between two columns:

    $meanings = Meaning::whereHas('word', function ($query) { 
                   $query->whereColumn('', ''); 

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