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Concatenate two list by applying an operation in pairs using java stream

I have two lists of Boolean and I need to concatenate them by applying an AND operation to the elements with the same index, I'm expecting to get a list of Booleans that contains the result of doing the operation in pairs.

public List<Boolean> concatenate(List<Boolean> l1, List<Boolean> l2) {

                .flatMap(e1 ->
                                .filter(e2-> l1.indexOf(e1) == l2.indexOf(e2))
                                .map(e2-> e1&&e2))

The size of the resulting list will be l1.size()*l2.size() so the filter inside the second stream is filtering anything.


  • List<Boolean> l1 = new ArrayList<>(Arrays.asList(true, false, true));
    List<Boolean> l2 = new ArrayList<>(Arrays.asList(false, true, true));
    List<Boolean> l3 = IntStream.range(0, min(l1.size(), l2.size()))
                                .mapToObj(i -> l1.get(i)&&l2.get(i))
    // [false, false, true]

    You can use IntStream.range() to iterate over both the lists at once and .mapToObj() to convert the && to Boolean and .collect() to store it in a new List.

    You can simplify the range to .range(0, l1.size()) if you know for sure that both of them are of the same size.