I built a three-level defaultdict that looks like this:
data_dict =
"5uz7_R": {
"section1": {
"=": 0,
"-": 0,
".": 0,
"+": 0,
"|": 0,
"gaps": 0
"section2": {
"=": 0,
"-": 0,
".": 0,
"+": 0,
"|": 0,
"gaps": 0
"4l6r_A": {
"section1": {
"=": 0,
"-": 0,
".": 0,
"+": 0,
"|": 0,
"gaps": 0
"section2": {
"=": 0,
"-": 0,
".": 0,
"+": 0,
"|": 0,
"gaps": 0
My goal was to use for loops and if statements to update ONE of the integer values depending on where I am in the loops and which character (=,-,+,...) is found as I iterate over a string that contains these characters.
I have several separate lists that have the items I want to iterate over, and corresponding items have corresponding indexes (it's a long story...). So I create a string variable at each loop that corresponds to the successive dictionnary keys I want to find to update the deepest-nested value depending on the if statement. It looks something like this:
for i in list1:
dict_lvl1 = a_function_of_i # a string, like "5uz7_R"
for j in list2:
dict_lvl2 = a_function_of_j # a string, like "section1"
for n in range(x):
if string[n] == '=':
data_dict[dict_lvl1][dict_lvl2]["="] += 1
elif string[n] == '-':
data_dict[dict_lvl1][dict_lvl2]["-"] += 1
Problem is: if '=' (or any of the lvl3 characters) is encountered, the value of "=" gets updated everywhere.
I have a feeling that "main_dict[variable][variable]["character"] += 1" is intrinsically flawed, but I want to make sure there is no way to make the code work as is (since it serves other purposes before getting to that stage).
I hope this is somewhat understandable, and I sincerely apologize if it isn't!
data_dict is constructed with collections.defaultdict by fetching the key values from existing lists' items:
symbol_dict = defaultdict(int)
section_dict = defaultdict(dict)
data_dict = defaultdict(dict)
[symbol_dict[i] for i in symbol_list]
for j in section_list:
for k in pdb_list:
data_dict[k] = section_dict
print(json.dumps(data_dict, indent=4))
The print statement generates data_dict as shown at the beginning.
To me, it looks like you are assigning the same symbol_dict to all section_dicts. Try constructing it as:
from copy import deepcopy
for j in section_list:
for k in pdb_list:
data_dict[k] = deepcopy(section_dict)