There is a post: How do I set a timeout for client http connections in node.js
but none of the answer will work.
So, I have the code like that:
var remote_client = http.createClient(myPost, myHost);
var path = '/getData?';
var param = { };
var request = remote_client.request("POST", path,);
// error case
remote_client.addListener('error', function(connectionException){
console.log("Nucleus Error: " + connectionException);
request.addListener('response', function (response) {
var body = '';
response.addListener('data', function (chunk) {
// get the result!
The biggest problem is that the url that I'm connection to may timeout. Therefore, I would like to set a timeout, like 15 secs. If so, trigger a listener.
However, I haven't seen any timeout features in the documentation for http.createClient. Please advise. Thanks. :)
var foo = setTimeout(function() {
}, 15000);
// listen to timeout
request.on("timeout-foo", function() { });
request.addListener('response', function (response) {
// bla
// clear counter
Just run the counter yourself.