I found this helpful answer to almost the same question, but it doesn't quite do what I need.
I have respondents' age, a continuous variable, and I'd like to recode it to categorical using tidyverse. The link above includes explanations of the functions cut_number()
, cut_interval()
, and cut_width()
, but the reason those don't work for me is because I'd like to recode into categories that I've already determined ahead of time, namely, the ranges 18-34, 35-54, and 55+. None of those cut
functions allow me to do this (or at least I didn't see how).
I was able to get my code to run without tidyverse, using:
data$age[data$"Age(Self-report)"<35] <- "18-34"
data$age[data$"Age(Self-report)">34 & data$"Age(Self-report)"<55] <- "35-54"
data$age[data$"Age(Self-report)">55] <- "55+"
but I'm trying to be consistent in my coding style and would like to learn how to do this in Tidyverse. Thanks for any and all help!
A tidyverse
approach would make use of dplyr::case_when
to recode the variable like so:
data %>%
mutate(age = case_when(
`Age(Self-report)` < 35 ~ "18-34",
`Age(Self-report)` > 34 & `Age(Self-report)` < 55 ~ "35-54",
`Age(Self-report)` > 55 ~ "55+"