using declerative pipeline syntax in a Jenkinsfile
and publishing coverage report using cobertura as follows
coberturaReportFile: 'coverage/cobertura-coverage.xml',
enableNewApi: true,
autoUpdateHealth: true,
autoUpdateStability: true,
failUnstable: true,
failUnhealthy: true,
failNoReports: true,
onlyStable: false
also tried using code coverage api as follows:
failUnhealthy: true,
calculateDiffForChangeRequests: true,
failBuildIfCoverageDecreasedInChangeRequest: true,
failNoReports: true,
adapters: [
coberturaAdapter(path: 'coverage/cobertura-coverage.xml')
looking at all the documentation i could find, i wasn't able to figure out what are the instructions to fail the build if coverage drops without using hard-coded thresholds.
would appreciate a reference or a code snippet.
enabling autoUpdateHealth
in conjunction with hard-coded threshold would do the trick
coberturaReportFile: 'coverage/cobertura-coverage.xml',
enableNewApi: true,
autoUpdateHealth: true,
autoUpdateStability: true,
failUnstable: true,
failUnhealthy: true,
failNoReports: true,
onlyStable: false
conditionalCoverageTargets: '80, 0, 0',
fileCoverageTargets: '80, 0, 0',
lineCoverageTargets: '80, 0, 0',
methodCoverageTargets: '80, 0, 0',
packageCoverageTargets: '80, 0, 0',