I struggle to use Dusk with this package. It removes the "you should return one root element" limitation.
Now I want to write Laravel Dusk tests, but I get the error:
1) Tests\Browser\HomepageTest::it_shows_the_correct_value
Facebook\WebDriver\Exception\ElementNotInteractableException: element not interactable
(Session info: chrome=81.0.4044.113)
If I don't use fragment, everything works... but unfortunately, I have to use it.
I created a repository to test all the Laravel Dusk tests. https://github.com/pmochine/fragment-dusk
Any idea how I can do the test without calling the $browser->script()
You need to change this line
$browser->assertSeeIn('.dialog', 'Option1');
in your test this_test_fails_even_though_we_try_to_use_script to this
$text = $browser->script("return document.querySelector('.dialog').textContent")[0];
$this->assertEquals('Result: Option1', trim($text));
And the reason laravel dusk can't find the contents of the fragment it's because, Fragment tag would not read as a node by the DOM. You can read more about it here https://blog.logrocket.com/fragments-in-vue-js/