So I am making a basic tile based game with pygame. I need to render a 20x20 grid of ground tiles on the screen. I want every tile to be an object of a class because the player will be able to change the environment.
I need to store the tile objects in a 2D array. My problem is defining all the objects using a for loop, each of the objects having a different name and properties.
Is this even possible to do or is there a better way of rendering tiles in pygame?
This is the class, there is no point is showing other tile rendering code since it doesn't even remotely work:
visGround = [[]]
class groundTile(object):
def __init__(self, tileType, act_x, act_y, game_x, game_y):
self.tileType = tileType
self.act_x = act_x
self.act_y = act_y
self.game_x = game_x
self.game_y = game_y
Thanks in advance!
This should do what you need,
gridHeight = 20
gridWidth = 20
visGround = []
class groundTile(object):
def __init__(self, tileType, act_x, act_y, game_x, game_y):
self.tileType = tileType
self.act_x = act_x
self.act_y = act_y
self.game_x = game_x
self.game_y = game_y
for i in range(gridHeight):
for j in range(gridWidth):
visGround[i].append(groundTile('Title Type', 'Act X', 'Act Y', j, i))
You can adjust the size of the grid at the top and it will change the size of the 2 arrays. I have placed i and j in the game x and y on the assumption that these represent the location on the grid.