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How to implement react-widgets dropdownlist in reactjs

I am trying to add dropdownlist in my reactjs project. My data are coming from api which looks something like this. data

In dropdown list i have to display colours and sizeType in dropdown list.

I tried doing this but it is not working.

  const data = [];
  return (
    <Grid xs={12} className="sort" container>
        style={{ height: "auto" }}


  • If we suppose that you provided is the actual data that you received from API.

    Destructuring our actual data

    Since the actual data is Object itself we can access the colours and sizeType property within them just like this:

    const colours = data.colours;
    const sizeType = data.sizeType;

    Making an array of our destructured data

    Since the colours and sizeType itself are string we should make an array of them to pass it to the DropdownList as the data, so we can do it as below:

    const coloursArray = data.colours.split(',');
    const sizeTypeArray = data.sizeType.split(',');

    NOTE: Keep in mind each array got his unique indexes so we don't have to create a unique id by ourself and the DropdownList will use it as it unique id for distinction, but the for using best practices we should provide the unique ids for each dropdown and data by using UUID to keep the distinction much more clear. For more information about UUID, you can read this post.

    NOTE 2: Since the string attribute that we wanted are splitting with , we can simply use the comma symbol as the split function input. You can read more about the split function here.

    Final output

    So this will be the final return that you have provide for your component:

    return (
        <Grid xs={12} className="sort" container>
            style={{ height: "auto" }}
            placeholder={props.title} //Title for colours dropdown
        <Grid xs={12} className="sort" container>
            style={{ height: "auto" }}
            placeholder={props.title} //Title for colours dropdown